Spin-off Organizations


Technologies and associated discoveries invented/uncovered by the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine team have been leveraged to establish two new University spin-out companies, Theranostics Health and Ceres Nanosciences Inc.

Ceres Nanosciences, Inc. was started in 2008 to commercialize the novel Nanotrap® technology developed by a collaboration of scientists from the Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, and Italy’s ISS (Istituto Superiore di Sanitá). The Nanotrap® ESP particles are commercially available to researchers as a sample preparation kit targeting low molecular weight proteins and peptides. The Nanotrap® technology is also being applied to develop molecular diagnostic products, including a high sensitivity test for Lyme disease.

Theranostics Health (TH) was founded in 2006 based upon the reverse phase array technology, novel tissue fixative reagents, predictive and prognostic tissue biomarkers that can enable better selection and stratification of patients for treatment and enable the practice of personalized medicine. TH offers research and development services to pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, academic institutions and others.