Center for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine


257 entries « 3 of 6 »


E, Baldelli; V, Calvert; A, Hodge; A, VanMeter; 3rd, Petricoin EF; M, Pierobon

Reverse Phase Protein Microarrays Journal Article

In: Methods Mol Biol, no. 1606, pp. 149-169, 2017.

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C, Mueller; MG, Harpole; V, Espina

One-Step Preservation and Decalcification of Bony Tissue for Molecular Profiling Journal Article

In: Methods Mol Biol, vol. 1606, pp. 85-102, 2017.

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JD, Wulfkuhle; A, Spira; KH, Edmiston; 3rd, Petricoin EF

Innovations in Clinical Trial Design in the Era of Molecular Profiling Journal Article

In: Methods Mol Biol, vol. 1606, pp. 19-36, 2017.

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W, Zhou; 3rd, Petricoin EF; C, Longo

Mass Spectrometry-Based Biomarker Discovery Journal Article

In: Methods Mol Biol, vol. 1606, pp. 297-311, 2017.

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MA, Gordon; NC, D'Amato; H, Gu; B, Babbs; J, Wulfkuhle; EF, Petricoin; I, Gallagher; T, Dong; K, Torkko; B, Liu; A, Elias; JK, Richer

Synergy between Androgen Receptor Antagonism and Inhibition of mTOR and HER2 in Breast Cancer Journal Article

In: Mol Cancer Ther, vol. 16, iss. 7, pp. 1389-1400, 2017.

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A, Romano; C, Giallongo; P, La Cava; NL, Parrinello; A, Chiechi; C, Vetro; D, Tibullo; F, Di Raimondo; LA, Liotta; V, Espina; GA, Palumbo

Proteomic Analysis Reveals Autophagy as Pro-Survival Pathway Elicited by Long-Term Exposure with 5-Azacitidine in High-Risk Myelodysplasia Journal Article

In: Front Pharmacol, vol. 8, no. 204, 2017.

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TM, Bell; V, Espina; S, Senina; C, Woodson; A, Brahms; B, Carey; SC, Lin; L, Lundberg; C, Pinkham; A, Baer; C, Mueller; EA, Chlipala; F, Sharman; de la Fuente C,; L, Liotta; K, Kehn-Hall

Rapamycin modulation of p70 S6 kinase signaling inhibits Rift Valley fever virus pathogenesis Journal Article

In: Antiviral Res, vol. 143, pp. 162-175, 2017.

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CM, Simbulan-Rosenthal; S, Dakshanamurthy; A, Gaur; YS, Chen; HB, Fang; M, Abdussamad; H, Zhou; J, Zapas; V, Calvert; EF, Petricoin; MB, Atkins; SW, Byers; DS, Rosenthal

The repurposed anthelmintic mebendazole in combination with trametinib suppresses refractory NRASQ61K melanoma Journal Article

In: Oncotarget, vol. 8, iss. 8, pp. 12576-12595, 2017.

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S, Yeon; F, Bell; M, Shultz; G, Lawrence; M, Harpole; V, Espina

Dual-Color, Multiplex Analysis of Protein Microarrays for Precision Medicine Journal Article

In: Methods Mol Biol, vol. 1550, pp. 149-170, 2017.

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L, Staunton; C, Tonry; R, Lis; V, Espina; L, Liotta; R, Inzitari; M, Bowden; A, Fabre; J, O'Leary; SP, Finn; M, Loda; SR, Pennington

Pathology-Driven Comprehensive Proteomic Profiling of the Prostate Cancer Tumor Microenvironment Journal Article

In: Mol Cancer Res, vol. 15, iss. 3, pp. 281-293, 2017.

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EM, Parasido; A, Silvestri; V, Canzonieri; C, Belluco; MG, Diodoro; M, Milione; F, Melotti; R, De Maria; L, Liotta; EF, Petricoin; M, Pierobon

Protein drug target activation homogeneity in the face of intra-tumor heterogeneity: implications for precision medicine Journal Article

In: Oncotarget, vol. 8, iss. 30, pp. 48534-48544, 2016.

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J, Janda; NB, Burkett; K, Blohm-Mangone; V, Huang; C, Curiel-Lewandrowski; DS, Alberts; 3rd, Petricoin EF; VS, Calvert; J, Einspahr; Z, Dong; AM, Bode; GT, Wondrak; SE, Dickinson

Resatorvid-based Pharmacological Antagonism of Cutaneous TLR4 Blocks UV-induced NF-κB and AP-1 Signaling in Keratinocytes and Mouse Skin Journal Article

In: Photochem Photobiol, vol. 92, iss. 6, pp. 816-825, 2016.

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DB, Douglas; JM, Boone; E, Petricoin; L, Liotta; E, Wilson

Augmented Reality Imaging System: 3D Viewing of a Breast Cancer Journal Article

In: J Nat Sci, vol. 2, iss. 9, no. e215, 2016.


E, Pin; S, Stratton; C, Belluco; L, Liotta; R, Nagle; KA, Hodge; J, Deng; T, Dong; E, Baldelli; E, Petricoin; M, Pierobon

A pilot study exploring the molecular architecture of the tumor microenvironment in human prostate cancer using laser capture microdissection and reverse phase protein microarray Journal Article

In: Mol Oncol, vol. 10, iss. 10, pp. 1585-1594, 2016.

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TG, Popova; A, Teunis; V, Espina; LA, Liotta; SG, Popov

Chemokine-Releasing Microparticles Improve Bacterial Clearance and Survival of Anthrax Spore-Challenged Mice Journal Article

In: PLoS One, vol. 11, iss. 9, no. e0163163, 2016.

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I, Ceglia; AC, Dueck; F, Masiello; F, Martelli; W, He; G, Federici; 3rd, Petricoin EF; A, Zeuner; C, Iancu-Rubin; R, Weinberg; R, Hoffman; J, Mascarenhas; AR, Migliaccio

Preclinical rationale for TGF-β inhibition as a therapeutic target for the treatment of myelofibrosis Journal Article

In: Exp Hematol, vol. 44, iss. 12, pp. 1138-1155.e4, 2016.

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DB, Douglas; EF, Petricoin; L, Liotta; E, Wilson

D3D augmented reality imaging system: proof of concept in mammography Journal Article

In: Med Devices (Auckl), vol. 9, pp. 277-283, 2016.

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S, Ayyadevara; M, Balasubramaniam; PA, Parcon; SW, Barger; WS, Griffin; R, Alla; AJ, Tackett; SG, Mackintosh; E, Petricoin; W, Zhou; RJ, Shmookler Reis

Proteins that mediate protein aggregation and cytotoxicity distinguish Alzheimer's hippocampus from normal controls Journal Article

In: Aging Cell, vol. 15, iss. 5, pp. 924-939, 2016.

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M, Harpole; J, Davis; V, Espina

Current state of the art for enhancing urine biomarker discovery Journal Article

In: Expert Rev Proteomics, vol. 13, iss. 6, pp. 609-626, 2016.

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L, Liotta

Adhere, Degrade, and Move: The Three-Step Model of Invasion Journal Article

In: Cancer Res, vol. 76, iss. 11, pp. 3115-3117, 2016.

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V, Espina; JP, Williams; LA, Liotta

Treatment and Long-Term Risks for Patients With a Diagnosis of Ductal Carcinoma In Situ Journal Article

In: JAMA Oncol, vol. 2, iss. 3, no. 395, 2016.

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YE, Castro-Sesquen; RH, Gilman; C, Mejia; DE, Clark; J, Choi; MJ, Reimer-McAtee; R, Castro; E, Valencia-Ayala; J, Flores; N, Bowman; R, Castillo-Neyra; F, Torrico; L, Liotta; C, Bern; A, Luchini; in Bolivia, Working Group; Chagas/HIV, Peru

Use of a Chagas Urine Nanoparticle Test (Chunap) to Correlate with Parasitemia Levels in T. cruzi/HIV Co-infected Patients Journal Article

In: PLoS Negl Trop Dis, vol. 10, iss. 2, no. e0004407, 2016.

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A, Conti; C, Fredolini; D, Tamburro; G, Magagnoli; W, Zhou; LA, Liotta; P, Picci; A, Luchini; MS, Benassi

Identification of novel candidate circulating biomarkers for malignant soft tissue sarcomas: Correlation with metastatic progression Journal Article

In: Proteomics, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 689-697, 2016.

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TK, Hayes; NF, Neel; C, Hu; P, Gautam; M, Chenard; B, Long; M, Aziz; M, Kassner; KL, Bryant; M, Pierobon; R, Marayati; S, Kher; SD, George; M, Xu; A, Wang-Gillam; AA, Samatar; A, Maitra; K, Wennerberg; 3rd, Petricoin EF; HH, Yin; B, Nelkin; AD, Cox; JJ, Yeh; CJ, Der

Long-Term ERK Inhibition in KRAS-Mutant Pancreatic Cancer Is Associated with MYC Degradation and Senescence-like Growth Suppression Journal Article

In: Cancer Cell, vol. 29, iss. 1, pp. 75-89, 2016.

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J, Jeong; JN, VanHouten; P, Dann; W, Kim; C, Sullivan; H, Yu; L, Liotta; V, Espina; DF, Stern; PA, Friedman; JJ, Wysolmerski

PMCA2 regulates HER2 protein kinase localization and signaling and promotes HER2-mediated breast cancer Journal Article

In: Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, vol. 113, iss. 3, pp. E282-290, 2016.

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M, Capello; S, Ferri-Borgogno; C, Riganti; MS, Chattaragada; M, Principe; C, Roux; W, Zhou; EF, Petricoin; P, Cappello; F, Novelli

Targeting the Warburg effect in cancer cells through ENO1 knockdown rescues oxidative phosphorylation and induces growth arrest Journal Article

In: Oncotarget, vol. 7, iss. 5, pp. 5598-612, 2015.

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A, Conti; C, Fredolini; D, Tamburro; G, Magagnoli; W, Zhou; LA, Liotta; P, Picci; A, Luchini; MS, Benassi

Identification of novel candidate circulating biomarkers for malignant soft tissue sarcomas: Correlation with metastatic progression Journal Article

In: Proteomics, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 689-97, 2015.

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M, Bowie; P, Pilie; J, Wulfkuhle; S, Lem; A, Hoffman; S, Desai; E, Petricoin; A, Carter; A, Ambrose; V, Seewaldt; D, Yu; C, Ibarra Drendall

Fluoxetine induces cytotoxic endoplasmic reticulum stress and autophagy in triple negative breast cancer Journal Article

In: World J Clin Oncol, vol. 6, iss. 6, pp. 299-311, 2015.

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RB, Corcoran; CE, Atreya; GS, Falchook; EL, Kwak; DP, Ryan; JC, Bendell; O, Hamid; WA, Messersmith; A, Daud; R, Kurzrock; M, Pierobon; P, Sun; E, Cunningham; S, Little; K, Orford; M, Motwani; Y, Bai; K, Patel; AP, Venook; S, Kopetz

Combined BRAF and MEK Inhibition With Dabrafenib and Trametinib in BRAF V600-Mutant Colorectal Cancer Journal Article

In: J Clin Oncol, vol. 33, iss. 34, pp. 4023-31, 2015.

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WT, Budd; SJ, Seashols-Williams; GC, Clark; D, Weaver; V, Calvert; E, Petricoin; EA, Dragoescu; K, O'Hanlon; ZE, Zehner

Dual Action of miR-125b As a Tumor Suppressor and OncomiR-22 Promotes Prostate Cancer Tumorigenesis Journal Article

In: PLoS One, vol. 10, iss. 11, no. e0142373, 2015.

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R, Magni; BH, Espina; K, Shah; B, Lepene; C, Mayuga; TA, Douglas; V, Espina; S, Rucker; R, Dunlap; EF, Petricoin; MF, Kilavos; DM, Poretz; GR, Irwin; SM, Shor; LA, Liotta; A, Luchini

Application of Nanotrap technology for high sensitivity measurement of urinary outer surface protein A carboxyl-terminus domain in early stage Lyme borreliosis Journal Article

In: J Transl Med, vol. 13, no. 346, 2015.

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S, Marmiroli; D, Fabbro; Y, Miyata; M, Pierobon; M, Ruzzene

Phosphorylation, Signaling, and Cancer: Targets and Targeting Journal Article

In: Biomed Res Int, vol. 2015, no. 601543, 2015.

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E, Baldelli; G, Bellezza; EB, Haura; L, Crinó; WD, Cress; J, Deng; V, Ludovini; A, Sidoni; MB, Schabath; F, Puma; J, Vannucci; A, Siggillino; LA, Liotta; 3rd, Petricoin EF; M, Pierobon

Functional signaling pathway analysis of lung adenocarcinomas identifies novel therapeutic targets for KRAS mutant tumors Journal Article

In: Oncotarget, vol. 6, iss. 32, pp. 32368-79, 2015.

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ML, Juba; PS, Russo; M, Devine; S, Barksdale; C, Rodriguez; KA, Vliet; JM, Schnur; van Hoek ML,; BM, Bishop

Large Scale Discovery and De Novo-Assisted Sequencing of Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides (CAMPs) by Microparticle Capture and Electron-Transfer Dissociation (ETD) Mass Spectrometry Journal Article

In: J Proteome Res, vol. 14, iss. 10, pp. 4282-95, 2015.

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FF, Blanco; M, Jimbo; J, Wulfkuhle; I, Gallagher; J, Deng; L, Enyenihi; N, Meisner-Kober; E, Londin; I, Rigoutsos; JA, Sawicki; MV, Risbud; AK, Witkiewicz; PA, McCue; W, Jiang; H, Rui; CJ, Yeo; E, Petricoin; JM, Winter; JR, Brody

The mRNA-binding protein HuR promotes hypoxia-induced chemoresistance through posttranscriptional regulation of the proto-oncogene PIM1 in pancreatic cancer cells Journal Article

In: Oncogene, vol. 35, iss. 19, pp. 2529-41, 2015.

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TG, Popova; A, Teunis; H, Vaseghi; W, Zhou; V, Espina; LA, Liotta; SG, Popov

Nitric oxide as a regulator of B. anthracis pathogenicity Journal Article

In: Front Microbiol, vol. 6, no. 921, 2015.

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A, Dailing; A, Luchini; L, Liotta

Unlocking the secrets to protein-protein interface drug targets using structural mass spectrometry techniques Journal Article

In: Expert Rev Proteomics, vol. 12, iss. 5, pp. 457-67, 2015.

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FR, LeBlanc; X, Liu; J, Hengst; T, Fox; V, Calvert; 3rd, Petricoin EF; J, Yun; DJ, Feith; Jr, Loughran TP

Sphingosine kinase inhibitors decrease viability and induce cell death in natural killer-large granular lymphocyte leukemia Journal Article

In: Cancer Biol Ther, vol. 16, iss. 12, pp. 1830-40, 2015.

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BA, Boone; N, Bahary; AH, Zureikat; AJ, Moser; DP, Normolle; WC, Wu; AD, Singhi; P, Bao; DL, Bartlett; LA, Liotta; V, Espina; P, Loughran; MT, Lotze; 3rd, Zeh HJ

Safety and Biologic Response of Pre-operative Autophagy Inhibition in Combination with Gemcitabine in Patients with Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma Journal Article

In: Ann Surg Oncol, vol. 22, iss. 13, pp. 4402-10, 2015.

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E, Baldelli; EB, Haura; L, Crinò; DW, Cress; V, Ludovini; MB, Schabath; LA, Liotta; EF, Petricoin; M, Pierobon

Impact of upfront cellular enrichment by laser capture microdissection on protein and phosphoprotein drug target signaling activation measurements in human lung cancer: Implications for personalized medicine Journal Article

In: Proteomics Clin Appl, vol. 9, iss. 9-10, pp. 928-37, 2015.

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D, Consonni; M, Pierobon; MH, Gail; M, Rubagotti; M, Rotunno; A, Goldstein; L, Goldin; J, Lubin; S, Wacholder; NE, Caporaso; PA, Bertazzi; MA, Tucker; AC, Pesatori; MT, Landi

Lung cancer prognosis before and after recurrence in a population-based setting Journal Article

In: J Natl Cancer Inst, vol. 107, iss. 6, no. djv059, 2015.

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TG, Popova; A, Teunis; R, Magni; A, Luchini; V, Espina; LA, Liotta; SG, Popov

Chemokine-Releasing Nanoparticles for Manipulation of Lymph Node Microenvironment Journal Article

In: Nanomaterials (Basel), vol. 5, iss. 1, pp. 298-320, 2015.

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F, Alem; K, Yao; D, Lane; V, Calvert; EF, Petricoin; L, Kramer; ML, Hale; S, Bavari; RG, Panchal; RM, Hakami

Host response during Yersinia pestis infection of human bronchial epithelial cells involves negative regulation of autophagy and suggests a modulation of survival-related and cellular growth pathways Journal Article

In: Front Microbiol, vol. 6, no. 50, 2015.

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I, Guendel; S, Iordanskiy; GC, Sampey; R, Van Duyne; V, Calvert; E, Petricoin; M, Saifuddin; K, Kehn-Hall; F, Kashanchi

Role of Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibitors in HIV-1-infected cells Journal Article

In: J Neurovirol, vol. 21, iss. 3, pp. 257-75, 2015.

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M, Pierobon; J, Wulfkuhle; L, Liotta; E, Petricoin

Application of molecular technologies for phosphoproteomic analysis of clinical samples Journal Article

In: Oncogene, vol. 34, iss. 7, pp. 805-14, 2015.

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BM, Bishop; ML, Juba; MC, Devine; SM, Barksdale; CA, Rodriguez; MC, Chung; PS, Russo; KA, Vliet; JM, Schnur; van Hoek ML,

Bioprospecting the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) host defense peptidome Journal Article

In: PLoS One, vol. 10, iss. 2, no. e0117394, 2015.

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W, Zhou; LA, Liotta; EF, Petricoin

Cancer metabolism and mass spectrometry-based proteomics Journal Article

In: Cancer Lett, vol. 356, iss. 2 Pt A, pp. 176-83, 2015.

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MI, Sereni; E, Baldelli; G, Gambara; J, Deng; L, Zanotti; E, Bandiera; E, Bignotti; M, Ragnoli; G, Tognon; A, Ravaggi; F, Meani; M, Memo; R, Angioli; LA, Liotta; SL, Pecorelli; 3rd, Petricoin E; M, Pierobon

Functional characterization of epithelial ovarian cancer histotypes by drug target based protein signaling activation mapping: implications for personalized cancer therapy Journal Article

In: Proteomics, vol. 15, iss. 2-3, pp. 365-73, 2015.

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A, VanMeter-Adams; CL, Frankenfeld; J, Bases; V, Espina; LA, Liotta

Students who demonstrate strong talent and interest in STEM are initially attracted to STEM through extracurricular experiences Journal Article

In: CBE Life Sci Educ, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 687-97, 2014.

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V, Espina; KH, Edmiston; LA, Liotta

Non-enzymatic, serum-free tissue culture of pre-invasive breast lesions for spontaneous generation of mammospheres Journal Article

In: J Vis Exp, iss. 93, no. e51926, 2014.

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257 entries « 3 of 6 »